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Doctorate of Biological Education

联系人: Dr. 男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军 Benedict, 970-351-3364 (telephone), 男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军.Benedict@wenhen.net (电子邮件).

University catalogs:  http://unco.smartcatalogiq.com/


发现新事物,参与创新信息的创造 educators and scientists at the School of Biological Sciences at UNC!  这种独特的 攻读生物教育哲学博士学位.  成为 一位多方面的学者和教育家,在生物学和教学方面有着坚实的背景 通过与我们的教师密切合作来发展和提高你的技能 in teaching and research.  This degree program is offered at the main UNC campus in Greeley, Colorado.

How does this degree program work?

学位课程专门训练生物学家成为他们学科的专家 and outstanding college biology teachers. This is accomplished through the completion 当然工作,论文研究项目,和指导教学经验. 在开始这个项目之前,你应该确定一个潜在的教师研究导师 (or mentors) from among the doctora 研究教师 in the School of Biological Sciences.  Together with your research mentor, you will 制定一个研究计划,专注于你的兴趣,并补充专业知识 of the faculty, culminating in the production of the 博士学位 dissertation. All dissertations represent rigorous research in biology or biology education.

Ph值.D. 学位课程,你会在概念,推理, 和做科学的技能,你会在原理和方法上发展专业知识 of teaching biology (e.g.、教育学).  Your training will give you a well-rounded 作为一名独立的科学家,一所大学,寻求职业的技能和专业知识 biology teacher, or both!  为 this reason, our Ph.D. degree is awarded in the area of Biological Education.  的 graduates of our doctoral program have found employment in teaching and research positions.  Many of our students have multiple job offers even before they graduate, and we can do the same for you!

Who is this degree program for?

这个学位是适合那些已经具备好奇心和上进心的学生 拥有理学学士或硕士学位,并希望接受必要的培训 适合从事教学、基础和应用研究、宣传、 government, biotechnology or other advanced scientific positions. After completing 他们的Ph值.D.我们的许多毕业生都接受了相关领域的博士后职位 领域,高等教育学术职位,政府高级职位 and private industries. 

Degree requirements

该学位要求完成64个学分的学习,包括两门预定课程 and one-on-one courses tailored to individual needs and programs.  的 UNC目录 包含大学所有课程的官方描述和要求 of Northern Colorado. 此外,Ph值.D. students are required to develop and teach a full semester course under the supervision of our faculty. 的 degree culminates 与学生的研究报告在公开答辩的论文. 学生论文中的章节预计将在同行评审中发表 期刊.

应用ing to the program

除了博天堂官方网站你自己和你的学术历史的信息,申请人是 要求提供推荐信、简历和意向书. 以下部分提供了如何最大化这些文档的影响的建议.

Reference 信s

What 信s should include

推荐信(也叫参考信)是非常重要的 to your application. Choose the people that you ask to write these 信s thoughtfully. 写信的人应该能够评论你成功毕业的潜力 work from a position of experience. Typically, they will be academic faculty or work 了解你的学术或学术表现的导师 attributes relevant to success in graduate school.

一封好的推荐信应该印在有抬头的信纸上,并包括 后:
  • A statement of how the person knows you and for how long
  • An indication of the person's professional expertise
  • 对你的智力优势、动机、创造力、时间管理技能、 职业道德,团队合作,有能力处理压力和独立工作
  • Comments on your writing and verbal communication skills
  • 对你的潜力和能力的评估,相对于你的水平 education and experience
  • 询问每个潜在的推荐人是否愿意作为专业推荐人 代表你.  If they decline your request, move on. 
  • 一定要让每个潜在的推荐人都知道提交申请的截止日期 推荐信,并留出足够的时间让他们撰写并提交一份强有力的推荐信 信.
  • 向你的推荐人提供应该包括的期望列表(如上所述) 在信中.
  • Supply a copy of your 简历 或者给每个推荐人发简历,让他们重新回忆一下你过去的教育经历 成就. This is particularly important if you haven't been in touch with them 有一段时间.
  • Supply a copy of your 信 of intent to each recommender. This will help them to 了解你为什么要申请研究生院,以及你想用你的学位做什么 advanced education.

Your 简历 or resume

You may choose to provide either a 简历 or a resume. This document should 总结一下你在生物学研究生学习方面的准备和经验 科学. 简历最适合有职业目标的申请人 在学术界,虽然简历可能更适合目前工作的专业人士. 简历和简历将被同等审查,并参考职业目标 that you outline in your 信 of intent. Find specific advice about what to include on a CV or resume 在这里.

的 信 of intent

What your 信 should include

At a minimum, your 信 of intent should include the 后:

  • Your academic experience, interests and preparation
  • Background qualifications for the program
  • 你的职业目标以及这个学位将如何帮助你实现这些目标
  • 的 names of faculty members with whom you are interested in working
  • 一份说明你是否在寻求研究生助教职位的声明 (见下文)
除了意向书所要求的组成部分(如上所列),您 可以选择添加更多你认为对研究生很重要的信息吗 在审查你的申请时考虑评估申请的委员会.  为 例如,一些申请人可能会觉得解释他们的成绩单中的异常是有用的 that co-occurred with significant life events.

除了传达你的目标和资格,你的意向书 also serves as an example of your communication skills. Prepare your 信 carefully, editing it for logical flow, grammar and spelling, and succinct prose.

Funding options to pay for school

在获得生活费和学费的同时,你有几种选择 pursuing your graduate education. 这些都是:

  • 研究生 teaching assistantship (TA): 助教奖学金是博天堂官方生物学研究生最常用的机制 students for earning an income while working on a degree. Teaching 助教奖学金 pay a stipend and cover tuition costs. 看到 这个页面 for more information.  Teaching responsibilities vary, but students typically teach 在与其学习计划相关的领域的本科生实验室部分. 
  • 研究生 research assistantship (GRA): 研究助理奖学金可以通过个别教员获得(通常是 (获得外部资助资助的研究导师) work on one of their research projects. Contact individual faculty members to inquire if they have GRA funding available.
  • 奖学金: 的se are typically awarded based on merit. To be eligible for most scholarships, 你必须已经完成了大学的经济援助申请,即使 you don't expect to receive financial aid of any other type.